Corona measures


Update April 22: The period of being forced to close down has been extended by the government until May 20.

Update March 31: The period of being forced to close down has been extended by the government until April 28.

Update March 24: Clinic is closed after additional measures have been taken by the Dutch government until April 6.

Dear client,

Concerning the measures that have been taken surrounding the Corona-crisis I have described my considerations in the following Dutch text:

And on Facebook here:

Probably you can get a close enough translation through Google or the translation button on Facebook itself. But let me translate the main points here:

  • Until the authorities change there measures or advices I will remain OPEN for acupuncture treatments. Naturally I will keep a close eye on my own health too.

  • Should you have any flu or cold symptoms, a slight or higher fever, please cancel your appointment

  • Unless you only notice symptoms on the morning of your appointment, please send me your cancellation a.s.a.p. Especially when you want to cancel out of prevention or when you wish to have no or very few contact outside.

  • Should you have an appointment, I would like to ask you to, as an exception, to bring your own towel. 1 big one or 2 smaller ones.

Should you have any questions, do not hestitate to contact me.

Stay safe and healthy!

Warm regards,

Ronald Aartsen

Mobile: 06-16936974


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